New Logo, New Website, New Oathbreaker EP Cover

Feast thine eyes upon the new, which has been emblazoned with our new logo! The new logo was designed by JP Fournier, based on a design by Doug Miller. JP Fournier has previously designed logos for DragonForce, Celladoor, Cryonic Temple, Elvenking, Intense, Power Quest, Steel Attack, and many others.

The Oathbreaker EP has been rereleased with a new cover (and of course the new logo). Those who previously downloaded the EP are advised to open up iTunes and crush the memory of the old cover with the power and might of the new cover using the following procedure:

  • With a fierce battle cry, right-click on the new cover, select Copy.
  • In iTunes, select all the Oathbreaker EP tracks, right-click, and select Get Info. Raise thy fist into the air.
  • In the square Artwork box, right-click and select Paste. Hit OK. Blast the Oathbreaker EP at full volume.
  • Drink an ale in victory.

Users of other programs are advised to follow their manufacturer’s instructions for crushing the memory of former album covers, but the final step listed above still applies. The new Oathbreaker cover is being disseminated across the land and to all the digital music services as we speak. We expect full domination of the new cover within a month.

We will be announcing more details about the forthcoming full-length album in the upcoming months. The Studio Diary shall continue very soon, as well. Finally, we have several shows in Maryland booked, as you can see towards the top right of the new We expect you all to be in attendance. Until then, farewell!