We are proud to announce The Last One to Fall EP, out November 12, 2013, a “live in studio” EP featuring two brand new tracks, “The Last One to Fall” and “Southwind,” and two Burning Shadows classics, “New Dawn Arise” from Into the Primordial and an abridged version of “A Thousand Lies” from Gather, Darkness! The Last One to Fall EP is available in MP3 form by donation (with no minimum) only at burningshadows.com and burningshadows.bandcamp.com. Digital pre-orders ($1 or more) and the CD version include a cover of “Battle Hymn” by Manowar. Proceeds from The Last One to Fall EP will help finance our third full-length album.
After the triumph of Gather, Darkness! in 2012, it was decided that we must improve the recording hardware at The Halls of Glory in order to fully capture the power of our newest songs for the third full- length album. In January 2013, the studio was upgraded and it was time to stress test the new setup. We, of course, went all out and recorded 18 tracks “live” in the studio to push the gear to the limit. Our setup was modified for the purposes of the recording: amp simulators were used for the guitars, Tom was trapped in the vocal chamber, and bass, solos, harmonies, and additional vocals were added after the initial tracking was complete. This process took quite a while with all the goings on in the meantime: shows, festivals, a minitour, the departure of bassist Chris Dagenhart, the return of Aaron El-Zeftawy, and finally, the tracking of the third full length album. We decided to release some of the best tracks from our recording session to replace our now sold-out Oathbreaker EP. Enjoy The Last One to Fall EP while we continue to forge our next album!