Day 15
Recording: Lead Vocals
Greg and I have locked Tom in the Vocal Chamber. He will only emerge upon completion of the vocals for the whole album. Although it sounds to me like he’s forgotten the lyrics. Nowhere in any of the songs are the phrases “Help!”, “Get me outta here!”, or “You bastards!”
I told Tim to leave the goddamn armor, dragon innards, and various other spoils of plunder EXACTLY where they were, but does anybody listen to the vocalists? Of course not. So fine, have it your way, cur! I will stand here hold a C10,000 (it exists, look it up) until your chamber hinges shatter, like so many fragile posers! I demand satisfaction! Doubt me? I’ll do it all day! We won’t get a damn thing done! I’ve got water!
…It was at this point it dawned on me, we had neglected to install a bathroom in the Vocal Chamber (of Steel!) Forward thinking bastards….
Day 16
Recording: Lead Vocals
Isolation in the vocal recording chamber has begun to take effect. Tom has summoned all sorts of amazing harmonies that can only be conjured when one has spent days in a sensory deprivation-type booth.